Saturday 26 April 2014

YA Book Review: If I Stay by Gayle Forman

201 pages
Published: April, 2009
Publisher: Dutton
Author: Gayle Forman

Choices. Seventeen-year-old Mia is faced with some tough ones: Stay true to her first love—music—even if it means losing her boyfriend and leaving her family and friends behind?

Then one February morning Mia goes for a drive with her family, and in an instant, everything changes. Suddenly, all the choices are gone, except one. And it's the only one that matters.

I didn't think I'd like this book. I figured it was just another tug-at-the-heartstrings YA romance.
 I only read it to see what all the fuss was about. Y'see, they're making a movie based on this book, and the trailer was released recently. It caught my attention, so I decided to check out the book. 

After DNFing (that's 'did not finish' for you non-bookies) so many books lately, and reading so many mediocre books lately, this one was more than welcome, and such a wonderful surprise. It hooked me right from the beginning, and I read it in one sitting. It was just so, so beautiful. 

I loved the characters, and the small romance was sweet and natural. Mia is just really wonderful. You feel for her, and you just want to make everything all better. 

This is a little book with a big message, and I'm truly happy that I read it. It'll rip your heart right out, so HAVE TISSUES CLOSE.

I'm looking forward to reading book two...but I'm going to give myself a few days to heal my heart first.

Oh, and here's the trailer for the movie. I'm definitely going to see this one....but I might wait until it comes out on DVD. Sobbing in a crowded theater is really embarrassing. ;)

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